Disclaimer: Nathaniel Branden's Seminars are being provided for historical study. Views expressed in these seminars do not necessarily reflect Dr. Branden's later theories or opinions.
The following content inventory is a cross reference for Nathaniel Branden's Seminars, recorded monthly from June 1969 to May 1973. These Seminars are now available for download from The Culture of Reason Center Online Store.
Anarchism is the rejection of organized government. It claims that individuals should be free from society, objective law, and objective rights. Anarchism, as such, takes no position as to what society should or should not permit since it is against society, which means the anarchist philosophy is simply a negation. The basic contradiction in anarchism is that it advocates being a group against groups.
The idea that monopolies are consequences of laissez-faire is an economic fallacy that was promoted by Karl Marx and is still widely accepted today.[i] When people use the term monopoly, they typically are referring to a business that has established exclusive control over a specific field of production, operating without competition, and therefore able to charge arbitrary prices, produce poor quality goods and or services. On this point, I would like to stress that the key to the establishment of such business practices is not merely the absence of competition, but theimpossibility of it.[ii]
We would like to publicly thank John Davis Ph.D. for his recent donation to The Culture of Reason Center. Dr. Davis has been a long time supporter of Objectivism and has participated in many of our local study group sessions.
Dr. Davis donated the following wonderful materials to our research library/archive: