The Ominous Parallels Test 02

This test has been designed to assess your comprehension of . Questions have been formed from Chapter 3, 4, 5 and 6 only. Subsequent tests will cover additional chapters of the book. It is not intended to be an open book test. There are 20 questions - each is worth 5 points. This test can be taken by students before and after reading TOP (as a pre and/or post-test). Only reading Ayn Rand's fictional work will not be sufficient preparation to excel on this test. This assessment can help students of Objectivism and study-group organizers determine the ideal study materials and is not intended to evaluate one's agreement with Objectivism.

Note: All questions are formed from assertions and arguments made by the author of the book/material. When answering test questions, please keep in mind that the "correct" answer is based on those assertions. The Culture of Reason Center does not necessarily endorse the positions articulated in the subject material.

Test Score Range:
0-60: Minimal understanding (Low) - Basic study needed
65-70: Moderate understanding (Low-Mid) - Basic study needed
75-80: Good understanding (Intermediate) - Basic study review needed
85-90: Competent (High-Mid) - Proceed to more technical studies
95-100: Advanced  (High) - Proceed to more technical studies

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The Ominous Parallels Test 02

1) Statism and the advocacy of reason are philosophical opposites. [p.45]

2) The romanticists passionately admired two cultures: [p.50]

3) Identify the author of this quote: “It is believable, because it is absurd; it is certain, because it is impossible.” [p.56]

4) Dogmatism and pragmatism are philosophically interchangeable. [p.60]

5) Fill in the blank: In metaphysics, ___________ is the view that reality (the “object”) is dependent on human consciousness (the “subject”). [p.62]

6) Kant ushered in the era of social subjectivism. [p.64]

7) Nazism is a form of egoism (national egoism). [p.69]

8) According to Kant: The noumenal realm is the world of things as they appear to man given the distorting structure of his cognitive faculties. [p.77]

9) Fill in the blank: _______ is the first philosopher of self-sacrifice to advance this ethics as a matter of philosophic principle, explicit, self-conscious, uncompromised. [p.78]

10) Kant is an Oriental mystic. [p.81]

11) Kant and Fichte held that a man cannot discover the content of good and evil by his own judgement, independent of the views of society. [p.87]

12) The leaders of the American Enlightenment rejected the idea of the supernatural completely. [p.108]

13) Jefferson – and the other Founding Fathers fought against democracy invoking the principle of individual rights. [p.111]

14) Identify the author of the following quote: “there is nothing to check the inducements to sacrifice the weaker party or an obnoxious individual. Hence it is that such democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found incompatible with personal security or the rights of property; and have in general been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths.” [p.111]

15) The philosophy of John Locke is a contradictory mixture, part Aristotelian, part Christian, part Cartesian, part skeptic. [p.113]

16) John Stuart Mill based his defense of capitalism on: [p.119]

17) Fill in the blank: __________ teach that an action is moral if its result is to maximize pleasure among men in general. [p.119

18) Herbert Spencer defended capitalism based on: [p.120-121]

19) Identify the author of this quote: “the fundamental idea that we know only after we have acted and in consequence of the outcome of action.” [p.124]

20) According to Dr. Peikoff: “The process of spreading a philosophy by means of free discussion among thinking adults is long and complex.” [p.130]

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