Understanding Objectivism Test (04)

This test has been designed to assess your comprehension of Understanding Objectivism: A Guide to Learning Ayn Rand's Philosophy (UO) Lectures by Dr. Leonard Peikoff (Book Edited by Michael S. Berliner). Questions have been formed from the book version, chapters (lectures) 9 - 10 only. Subsequent tests will cover additional chapters of the book. It is not intended to be an open book test. There are 25 questions - each is worth 4 points. This test can be taken by students before and after reading UO (as a pre and/or post-test). Only reading Ayn Rand's fictional work will not be sufficient preparation to excel on this test. This assessment can help students of Objectivism and study-group organizers determine the ideal study materials and is not intended to evaluate one's agreement with Objectivism.

Note: All questions are formed from assertions and arguments made by the author of the book/material. When answering test questions, please keep in mind that the "correct" answer is based on those assertions. The Culture of Reason Center does not necessarily endorse the positions articulated in the subject material.

Test Score Range:
0-60: Minimal understanding (Low) - Basic study needed
61-70: Moderate understanding (Low-Mid) - Basic study needed
71-80: Good understanding (Intermediate) - Basic study review needed
81-90: Competent (High-Mid) - Proceed to more technical studies
91-100: Advanced  (High) - Proceed to more technical studies

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Understanding Objectivism Test 04

1) Objectivism advocates reality above ideas. [p.271]

2) Objectivism says ideas are the means of knowing reality. [p.271]

3) According to Dr. Peikoff, the validity of induction is not an unresolved issue. [p.276]

4) In the process of making a inductive leap, Dr. Peikoff identifies two points in order achieve a proper generalization: [p.277]

5) Because our inductions are not rationalist dogmas, revelations expressive of omniscience, Objectivism therefore agrees with empiricism, that our inductions are uncertain. [p.282]

6) Direct perception is not the only self-evident starting point. Self-evidency also applies conceptually. [p.283]

7) There is no context for a true axiom. [p.285]

8) Dr. Peikoff maintains that a rationalist would probably need psychotherapy, if he is a really deep rationalist. [p.297]

9) According to Dr. Peikoff, in order to formulate the philosophy Objectivism, one only needs to be intellectually honest. [p.302]

10) The reason that intrinsicists end up preaching selflessness is because of the Christian influence; it comes only from the Bible. [p.310]

11) According to Dr. Peikoff, morality is _____________ . [p.313]

12) According to Objectivism, ethics is a permanent struggle against temptation. [p.315]

13) Dr. Peikoff clams that rationalism, philosophically, leads to and supports emotionalism. [p.316]

14) According to Dr. Peikoff, since emotions come from your value judgments, they necessarily reveal your basic values, your subconscious self, and your basic character. [p.319-319]

15) It is essential to the Objectivist approach that emotions cannot be judged morally, neither as good nor evil. [p.319]

16) Fill in the blank: According to Dr. Peikoff, emotions are to value judgments or to thought as _____________ [p.322]

17) Dr. Peikoff provides an incomplete list of some of the functions of emotions. Identify the statement that is not listed: [p.324-329]

18) Dr. Peikoff maintains that there is no way to choose among legitimate options, except by reference to feelings. [p.330]

19) Dr. Peikoff states the following: In regard to friendship, it’s not possible to for an Objectivist to feel very friendly and warm toward an “outsider” or “heretic.” [p.335]

20) Dr. Peikoff maintains: One cannot have a tragic sense of life and still be one hundred percent honest, rational, and moral. [p.343]

21) Identify the following: The idea that on any level, in thought or action, that people cannot function without a purpose that brings them pleasure, something they want to achieve, that they enjoy achieving. [p.325]

22) According to Dr. Peikoff: Repression is to emotions what asceticism is to the body. [p.323]

23) Dr. Peikoff asserts: Empiricism, philosophically, leads to and supports repression. [p.316]

24) Dr. Peikoff states that he neither challenges nor endorses the possibility that repression could be a precondition of rationalism. [p.316]

25) Dr. Peikoff claims the following: To Say “Good morning” to a priest is a sanction of evil. [p.343-344]

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