Understanding Objectivism Test (05)

This test has been designed to assess your comprehension of Understanding Objectivism: A Guide to Learning Ayn Rand's Philosophy (UO) Lectures by Dr. Leonard Peikoff (Book Edited by Michael S. Berliner). Questions have been formed from the book version, chapter (lecture) 11 only. It is not intended to be an open book test. There are 20 questions - each is worth 5 points. This test can be taken by students before and after reading UO (as a pre and/or post-test). Only reading Ayn Rand's fictional work will not be sufficient preparation to excel on this test. This assessment can help students of Objectivism and study-group organizers determine the ideal study materials and is not intended to evaluate one's agreement with Objectivism.

Note: All questions are formed from assertions and arguments made by the author of the book/material. When answering test questions, please keep in mind that the "correct" answer is based on those assertions. The Culture of Reason Center does not necessarily endorse the positions articulated in the subject material.

Test Score Range:
0-60: Minimal understanding (Low) – Basic study needed
65-70: Moderate understanding (Low-Mid) – Basic study needed
75-80: Good understanding (Intermediate) – Basic study review needed
85-90: Competent (High-Mid) – Proceed to more technical studies
95-100: Advanced  (High) - Proceed to more technical studies

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Understanding Objectivism Test 05

1) By the very nature of the viewpoint, there are some positions in which no matter what the context or ignorance of the person, to accept that viewpoint is necessarily dishonest. [p.352]

2) Dr. Peikoff believes that, in general, philosophers up to Kant were dominantly honest, albeit mistaken. [p.353]

3) Dr. Peikoff provides a nonexhaustive list (divided up into three subdivisions) that will define if a person is dishonest simply from what he says. Identify the statement that is not part of that list: [p.352 – 354]

4) Dr. Peikoff claims that the intelligence of a particular individual is an irrelevant factor to consider when forming a judgement of that individual. [p.356]

5) According to Dr. Peikoff, when we judge a person’s context, we’re trying to discover what he could have grasped if he tried. [p.358]

6) Honesty involves two different kinds of factors: the objective evidence available to the person, and the ability of his consciousness to process it correctly. [p.359]

7) According to Dr. Peikoff, the dependent person (the intellectual second hander) is necessarily dishonest. [p.363]

8) Dr. Peikoff claims that an occasional noncharacteristic evasion is not good; but it is not damning. [p.364]

9) Dr. Peikoff holds that every advocate of modern art is dishonest. [p.366]

10) Dr. Peikoff claims that the following is clear evidence of dishonesty: The equation of religion with morality as such and the view that the only alternative to religion is rejecting all moral standards. [p.369]

11) Dr. Peikoff claims that you cannot condemn a welfare statist as dishonest per se. [p.370]

12) Dr. Peikoff claims that philosophy, and unfortunately Objectivism in particular, will bring you into perpetual conflict with the outside world or with other people, that it will lead to an attitude of perpetual condemnation, malevolence, bitterness. [p.370]

13) Dr. Peikoff holds that maybe centuries from now, we will have Atlantis and happiness, but here and now, people are rotten, there is no hope, enjoyment of the world is treason, and suffering is one’s destiny. [p.371]

14) According to Dr. Peikoff: What kind of error could lead people to exaggerate the evil in the world, to focus only on the negative, the corrupt, the irrational? [p.372]

15) According to Dr. Peikoff: The corollary of the rationalist in thought and the repressor in feeling is the misanthrope in relation to people. [p.372]

16) Dr. Peikoff suggests that one should look for the good in everyone. [p.374]

17) If it (whatever you’re judging) isn’t essentially good, then it has to be essentially evil. [p.374]

18) According to Dr. Peikoff, the proper interpretation of the principle “you must not sanction evil,” leads to a perpetual fight with everyone on everything, such as: bitter arguments at the drop of a hat with your boss, your professor, etc. [p.375]

19) The principle “you must not sanction evil” applies only in specific situations. [p.375]

20) Dr. Peikoff claims: There is no objective implication if you are employed by someone, that you agree with him about everything except what you explicitly denounce. [p.376]

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